Thursday, November 10, 2011

Fall Update!

So, what has happened since my last post.  This is going to be a long one.

Owen started Kindergarten August 22nd.  I didn't think I would be as sad as I was but it was really hard that first day when he was gone ALL DAY.  Stella and I sure did miss him and we still do everyday.  But he is soaking up all that knowledge and making his daddy and I so proud.

We went home in September for Greg (Shaun's best man at our wedding) and Heather's wedding and for cutey putooty Nicholas' baptism. 

 So cute, aren't they.  Awesome reception.  They had a photo booth which was the best idea ever.

Poor Nicholas was not too happy about holy water being poured on his head.  But he was a trooper through the rest of it.

 My little girl pirate

And my big boy pirate.

Then October.
Owen had crazy hair day at school and of course he wanted a Mohawk.  I think it only lasted a few hours but at least it worked for a while.  This boy has a ton of hair like his momma.

 And my little cowgirl.  She loves taking over big brother's things.

And of course Halloween
She saw the palm tree in our yard. 
For those of you who did not see this on Facebook.  Play-by-play of Stella's thought process.

And just some Kiddo updates.

Owen is adding and subtracting like crazy and he is all over reading and spelling.  He read his first whole book to us the other day.  He loves writing notes to us that usually say: 

"Dear (Mommy/Daddy/Stella), 
We love (or luve) you (or yuo).

There not always perfect but we love them and I keep every single one of them.
And of course there's his art.  He's so creative and loves to draw, usually something to do with pirates or skulls, but they are wonderful.

Then we have little miss Stella, or should I say Honey Badger * (please refer to video below), because she is the most fearless animal that ever existed.  
  • She goes through the house dragging things around to make sure every room has stuff all over the floor.  
  • She likes to climb on the kitchen table and the computer desk (along with anything else that is dangerous).  
  • She likes to play in the toilet (YUCK!).  
  • She loves getting puppy kisses on the mouth by Jojo (YUCK! again).  When she gets mad she throws things.  
  • When we're in the grocery store she likes to grab whatever she can out of the cart and through it on the floor, while she is saying hi to everyone that walks by.  She says it until they are out of her sight (hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, etc.)  It's very awkward for me and I'm sure the people she won't stop saying hi to.  But it's so dang cute at the same time.
  • And you better watch out if you don't give her what she wants when she wants it.

I love my little diva but I'm afraid of the teen years.

Oh, and we could also refer to her as a beaver because she has been gnawing on her bed.  Through the paint, down to the bare wood.  Here are the honey badger videos:


And the uncensored version.  WARNING: crude language but it is so hilarious because Stella really doesn't give a s*#t.  Shaun is the first to discover the connection between Stella and the Honey Badger.

On another note she is talking up a storm.  Words she says:
daddy (her first), O (for Owen), hi, bye, cow, eye, more, papa, dog, Jojo, quack (she says quack for every bird not just ducks), and I think we're getting close to mommy.

And she loves when you read to her.  It so sweet to be able to read to her at bedtime now.  She loves her stories.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Summer 2011

So I'm late in posting - again!  Let's do some catch up:

We had Owen's birthday party in June.

Then we celebrated Stella 1st Birthday.  I can't believe my baby girl is one.  This year has gone by so fast.  And we still thank God for her and her birthparents, Elena and Mike, everyday.  We are truly blessed.

Her morning birthday photo straight out of bed.  She's always so happy.

Went to St. Louis the month of July and had another birthday party for the birthday kiddos.  It was so fun to see everyone.
Mom and grandpa Niederhoffer
 Baby cousin Luci.  Don't you just want to give her kisses all over.
Baby cousin Nicholas only a couple weeks old here.

 Owen and his uncle Timmy.
Stella and her aunt Emily (10 days shy of having Savanna Lynn)

The main reason we went to St. Louis was to meet my new niece Savanna Lynn - born July 20th (2 days after her due date).


We got to see Elena and her family.
 My nephew Braedyn.  He and Stella were taking turns sitting and posing in my mom's little dogs bed 
Ok.  Not a lot of writing but lots of pictures.  Until next time.

Friday, June 17, 2011

My baby boy turned 5!

Okay, so he's not such a baby anymore but that's how I still think of him. I can't believe he's 5 and will be starting kindergarten this year. Here are some funny faces he made for the camera when he woke up on his birthday - the first thing out of his mouth when he woke up bright and early "IT'S MY BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!"
We got him a new bike and the first picture of him is when he opened his eyes to see it for the first time. I also decided to make his cake this year and he helped. He added the "5th" the heart and the little scribble on his cake.
He wanted Spaghetti for his birthday dinner and he thoroughly enjoyed it as did Stella. But she was over the moon when we gave her cake.
A picture of us before birthday boy went to bed. Unfortunately, daddy went to work before I remembered to get a picture of all of us. Sometimes I'm really bad at that. Okay, all the time. Sorry daddy.
He had a great day and he can't wait to turn 5 two more times. Because he's having two more parties - one with friends and one with family when we go back home to STL. I keep telling him he's not turning 5 again he's just having 3 parties. Where he then tells me he would be 7 if he had 3 parties. Okay Owen. We love you.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Catch up Post

So I know, I'm way behind on blogging as usual so this is just going to be a catch up one.
Elena came to visit in March for a weekend and Stella wasn't shy at all. She's never really gone through the attachment/stranger phase which has been great. She LOVES attention and smiles at everyone.

We went skiing with our good friends, the Horton's, in April at Snowbird in Sandy, Utah (BEAUTIFUL). It was mine and Owen's first time (unless you count Hidden Valley - our fake ski hill with fake snow in Missouri, which I did when I was like 13). We both took classes and had an awesome time. Owen is way better than I am.
Owen falling down and laughing hysterically.
Little miss Stella stayed in the room pretty much the whole time but we had to at least get a picture of her in the snow.
While we were there I got to take pictures of Alana and Davis. Davis wasn't really into it but Alana was great. They're so cute.
Then there was Easter. Unfortunately, Shaun was in Denver but Grandma Jenny got to come for a visit.
Best picture I could get of the kids. The were not very cooperative.
And Owen just had his last T-ball game this past Saturday. He had an awesome time and did a great job. He's a really good little hitter. It's funny watching all the kids go after the ball. They look like a herd of cattle or a swarm of bees that can't leave each others side. I had to keep telling Owen to not fight over the ball.
Owen's team was the White Sox but there's no way I was going to buy him a White Sox hat so I bought him a black Cardinals hat and Stella cheered for him in her little Cardinal dress.